Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR)
Termination for Medical Reasons
Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR) is the ending of a pregnancy for the health of the pregnant person and/or baby or babies. This can include fatal and non-fatal conditions, “grey” diagnoses, and mental health issues. There is no right or wrong reason or way to make this incredibly difficult “choice”. While TFMR falls under the broader umbrella of abortion, the experience of many women and families can be quite different. This is often a pregnancy that was wanted and planned for. There was a future that was imagined. Often the decision to end a pregnancy has to be made quickly and with unclear information. In our current political climate, many families are having to call multiple facilities or travel to other states. All while navigating grief, fear, and confusion, to name a few.
TFMR families often struggle with next steps. How to tell people they aren’t pregnant anymore. If and how to share why the pregnancy ended. They wonder if they can engage in conversations about pregnancy with friends. Will people see them differently? Did they make the right choice? Was it really even a choice?
In our work together, we will explore your unique story, which is crucial to understanding the grief that you may be experiencing. We will examine your support system and how you may find community. You matter. Your baby mattered. In our work together, we will honor that experience and journey so that you can integrate it into your life and begin to heal.